When I am asked “what do you do?,” sometimes I am not sure what to say because I “do” many things. I teach and consult on a variety of topics. I also redesign and organize peoples homes and businesses. I’ve narrowed my expertise to three main “categories” – women’s health during the childbearing year, home sanctuary design and teaching heirloom memoir workshops. What do these topics all have in common? At first it might not seem obvious, and many find my work elusive. So I decided to give a simple explanation of how I see all of my work as a single cohesive unit. 

My goal is to bring more happiness to alI families and help them step into sacred living. This means honoring self, family and community, celebrating rites of passage and encouraging a life filled with beauty.   I take enormous amounts of information and condense it into easy digestible healing systems. I take healing modalities from across the globe and present them, ready made for a wide audience. What I teach are Human Truths – concepts and techniques that work regardless of your belief systems or cultural heritage. 

My work offers information and guidance for individuals who aim to create a sacred family life. 

Birth & Postpartum Health – Starting with the motherhood journey, my classes, workshops and consultations give women tools for relieving discomfort, healing, bonding with their babies, and creating a sense of wellness and calm. I teach women how to celebrate motherhood and create a sacred experience every step of the way. 

Sanctuary Design – My work as a professional organizer goes way above and beyond an ordinary organizer. I offer therapy level organizing and help people design a sanctuary to live in, a space that HEALS in every sense of that word. I make sure all of your senses feel balanced and at peace in your space. I want you to have a home where your family can thrive, you feel comfortable, safe, it’s beautiful, clean, efficient and has that special cozy vibe that makes a house a home – Ha (sacred breath) – Om (sacred sound), because the space you live and work in will affect your emotions, functionality, production, efficiency and overall wellbeing. 

Illustrated Heirloom Memoirs – Documenting the highlights of your life is also a form of therapy. It’s like journaling 2.0. I take students through very specific writing exercises and we play with different illustration techniques to create something special. The Illustrated Heirloom Memoir concept emerged after the passing of my mother. I realized there was so much I didn’t know about her. When you document your life and pass it on, it takes you on a journey of recollection. I’m helping you bring out your moments of joy, your lessons, your family heritage. This is something your family members will cherish. 

All of my classes and services are now available online. Sign up for a class, workshop or consultation that fits your schedule. I look forward to meeting you. Blessings, Zoe  

Anthropologist, Teacher, Writer, Wise Woman, Mother, World Traveler, Esoteric Scholar, Dancer
For those seeking a sacred life: 

Helping families create the healthiest foundations in life – birth & postpartum health, home sanctuary design, heirloom memoirs