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Birth & Postpartum Health

Peace on Earth Begins at Birth

Classes & Services

Rejoice in motherhood! Let’s celebrate your rite of passage. Book a private class with me, where we will tune into the mysteries of motherhood, prepare your body and mind for birth, and connect to new life. My passion is to share natural birthing information during this sacred time. My research confirms that peace on Earth begins at birth and in the womb. It is essential to nurture pregnant women, new mothers and their children. You will get all this and more in any of my classes. I specialize in natural childbirth education as a certified Hypnobirthing practitioner, certified Whole Birth prenatal yoga and dance instructor, and am a DONA and traditional trained birth and postpartum doula. Book a private class today.

I have been offering prenatal services since 2005 in San Francisco and Berkeley, California, Maui, and Switzerland. I have taught private classes as well as publicly at Kaiser Medical, Maui Family Support Services, the University of Hawaii, Valley Isle Childbirth Education and the San Francisco Community Childbearing Institute and Birth Center. My training spanned many regions and years – California, Hawaii, Egypt and Australia, and I have over 30 years of dance and natural health training. I combined all my teachings into a workshop called Easier Natural Childbirth and was the host of the online radio show – Natural Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting, where I interviewed birth experts from all over the world.

 Class Options: Online or In Person

Natural Childbirth

Easier Natural Childbirth Workshop

Learn a combination of prenatal yoga, dance, massage, acupressure, hypnobirthing, and a variety of other tools to ease your baby into the world naturally.

What are the benefits of having a natural childbirth?
• It’s safer
• Higher success rates in breast feeding
• A higher chance of successful parental bonding
• Less of a chance for postpartum depression
• Having a positive empowered birth experience and memory of your labor
• Having a faster postpartum recovery period
• Feeling like you can accomplish anything – no joke

Contact me to schedule a private workshop. $120.
Also available as an eBook.

Hypnobirthing Childbirth Education

In this class you will learn a variety of techniques to ease your baby into the world in the most peaceful way possible.

• The philosophy of Hypnobirthing
• What is hypnosis and why it works
• The physical reasons behind pain in labor
and how to diminish that
• Practice going into a state of hypnosis
• Special massage techniques
• Special breathing techniques
• Create your gentle birth tool bag

Contact me to schedule a
private class $150.

Prenatal Yoga & Dance

(Online 5 Week Series)

Come stretch, relax and rejuvenate. Perfect for all stages of pregnancy. Learn simple movements to prepare for your labor. You will also learn special moves that you can use during your labor to relieve discomfort and help ease your baby into the world. Dance is also a wonderful way to bond with your baby.

What we cover:
• Birth specific yoga postures and movement for strength, tone, balance and agility.
• How to enhance your comfort in pregnancy and prepare your body and mind for birth.
• Different breathing and relaxation techniques
and when to use them.
• Techniques for easing your baby into the world.
• How to connect with your baby through dance.

Research shows that music and dance can greatly relax the body and mind. A relaxed birth is safer, easier and faster. Register for the next online 5 week series. $100.

doula services maui

Doula Services

A doula adds an extra level of comfort and support to any birthing woman and helps her to have a safe and empowering birthing experience. A doula does not replace a midwife, Dr., nurse, Father, or any other birth support that may be with a Mother during her labor.

Benefits of having a doula at your birth:
• Decreased cesarean rates by 50%
• Reduced length of labor by 25%
• Reduced rates of Pitocin usage by 40%
• Reduced requests for epidural by 60%


Postpartum Health Consultations – Get a personalized postpartum healing consultation.

Birth Dance Teacher Training

Learn More Here

Postpartum Certification

Postpartum Doula Certification

  • Help new mothers
  • Be your own boss
  • Make your own schedule
  • Affordable online training
  • Start a rewarding new career today

Learn More Here

What Our Happy Mothers Say

  • "Zoe, thank you so much for a wonderful introduction to Hypnobirthing. I am so grateful to have found you even if I only got you for 2 hours!! You truly are so magical and I wish you could be a part of my journey with me."
    — Jacey, mother of Rowyn
  • "I am sure it (prenatal belly dance) helped to keep my hips looser and abdomen stronger going into my third trimester. It certainly added to the fun of being pregnant."
    — Lilia Beattie, mother of Ilima
  • "I had a beautiful birth and am happy with how everything turned out. I think your classes really helped me let go of a lot of the fear I had about labor and boost my confidence going into it. My labor was so fast and sudden that I never really had time to catch my breath once the contractions started to be painful. I was only in labor for like 3 hours (that I was aware of) and only had to push like 15 minutes. before Emma was born. I am sure the relaxation and belly dancing helped with that too."
    — Rachel Davis, mother of Emma
  • "It is hard for me to pinpoint a specific method because I found that Zoe's Yoga practice overall had a profound impact on our birthing process. Everything from the breathing exercises to the actual yoga positions ALL helped us have a natural birth. Another important aspect from class that helped us during labor was the simple mantra she taught us...let your body and baby work together in harmony. I found myself saying this repeatedly in my mind. I contribute Zoe's knowledge of Yoga, insight to natural birthing, and her passion of motherhood to having such an amazing, natural birth. I highly recommend participating in any of Zoe's classes. She is a knowledgeable mother with nothing but love and kindness to give. Thanks again Zoe! Much Love and Light to you and your beautiful family."
    — Kathryn Sechrest, mother of Hudson
  • "The visualizations and affirmations that Zoe offered me during pre-natal yoga classes were very helpful when I was in labor and delivering my baby. They reminded me that I am healthy and capable of having a complicated free birth process. I am grateful for the tools she offered me and my newborn."
    — KC, mother of Kira
  • "I felt instantly comfortable with Zoe as she graced our home with her presence. She was knowledgable, informative, and warm with spirit. She shared with us a yoga technique, called the Ujai breath, that I found most useful in my birth. I used this breath, rather than pushing, to ease my child through the birth canal. It was almost as if I breathed him out! Thank you Zoe for sharing such a wonderful technique."
    — Taryn Leigh, mother of Elakai
  • "Zoe's prenatal yoga class was intimate and informative. The ujai breathing/relaxation technique she taught us, I used during labor. Focusing on the deep, slow, strong breaths was more than a welcome distraction from the pangs of childbirth. I combined it with more common breathing exercises, all of which allowed me to relax as best as I could. It definitely helped me deal with over six hours of pain. I highly recommend Zoe's class to all expectant mothers."
    — Christine Pulido, mother of Oren
  • "Aloha Zoe, I can say that I definitely used the breathing techniques you taught me & birth affirmations. In the end we have been blessed with a beautiful, health baby girl & couldn’t be happier. Thank you so much for the awesome prenatal yoga classes I really enjoyed them & getting to know you as well. Take care, Crystal"
    — Crystal, mother of Isabella
  • "During my pregnancy, Zoe shared useful information with me about the various 'tools' that one could use during birth. From our belly dancing class I learned about the 'camel walk' which helped with my heart burn and posture during pregnancy. During the birth, when my body stalled, I used the camel walk to focus my mind and keep my body in motion. However, the best tool shared was the hip circle as Zoe taught it. I had learned about hip circles in other prenatal exercise classes, but she really made sure I understood how to do them. In my pregnant body, moving the hips without moving the entire body was a challenge. Zoe broke the movements down and also directed me to guide the breath so that my pelvis was effectively moving and working with my body. While birthing, Zoe's hip circles were my main tool of relief and concentration. I attribute Zoe's gift of guidance and tools as part of the reason we were able to experience an unmedicated and natural birth."
    — Maria Luisi, mother of Luca
  • "I took prenatal yoga and belly dance lessons with Zoe and a prenatal workshop - Easier Natural Childbirth, with her. The evening when the contractions began, I started doing some of the belly dance moves that Zoe had taught me. I also used the breathing technique that I learned from her workshop. Doing these eased the pain, so I delayed going to the hospital and when I arrived there I was already in a pretty advanced labor stage. The baby was born 1.5 hrs after I arrived in the hospital without using any pain relief. The nurse told me that was the fastest first child birth she had seen in 20 years. Doing the exercises that Zoe taught me, not only during labor, but throughout my pregnancy helped me to stay in good shape, have a comfortable pregnancy and an easy birth."
    — Milena Kari, mother of Nina