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Illustrated Heirloom Memoirs – A Workshop


(Ages 16+, students under 18 will need to register and be accompanied by an adult also registered for the class)

Have you ever wondered about the life of your mother, father, favorite aunt or grandfather? Have you thought about your own history and how you will pass that along to family and friends? What if you had a book that gave a bit of family history, accounts of epic adventures, a favorite cookie recipe, or other special details to be passed on to the next generation? This two day workshop offers you an opportunity to create your Book of Life, an heirloom memoir you can pass on.

Zoe guides you through a multi-media art experience. You will do daily writing and creative illustration techniques in – calligraphy, color therapy, sacred geometry, sacred symbols, and mandalas.

You will learn the different segments to include in your special heirloom memoir. Students will leave with a clear outline of how to put together their own personal illustrated version, they will know everything to include and how to finish it.

Zoe will cover the different segments to include in your special heirloom memoir, or called your Book of Life. It will be a cherished heirloom you can pass on to your family. Students will leave with a clear outline of how to put together their own personal illustrated heirloom memoirs, they will know everything to include and how to finish it.

Students are required to bring: water color set; variety of brushes; pastels set; colored pencils; calligraphy marker – black; mixed media paper notebook (sketchbook); lined notebook for writing; pen and pencil; eraser; ruler. Bring one of your favorite recipes and a symbol that you feel represents you or something in your life. Hui will have pastels and colored pencils to borrow and use during class.Please bring lunch/ snacks/ beverages.

We require you to complete the waiver form below BEFORE you sign up for classes. Your registration will not be considered complete until we receive your signed and completed waiver form. To avoid losing your place in class, be sure to complete your waiver before you register online. By registering for a Hui class, you agree to abide by policies and procedures of Hui No‘eau. Mahalo for your understanding.

Book now available on amazon