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Women’s Peace Circle

Monthly peace talks. Join us.

What is the Women’s Peace Circle?

The Women’s Peace Circle is a group of multi-disciplinary thinkers, change agents, and visionaries. We believe what Aristotle said, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” When many minds from different backgrounds come together to listen, support and contribute their personal life experience, miracles happen. We discuss all aspects of peace – inner peace, peaceful communication, peaceful parenting, world peace, and more. We meet every new moon at 7pm Mountain time to discuss a chosen topic. If you are an activist/advocate/lover of peace or doing work to help the world be a better place, we welcome you!

Request membership now.

Peace Culture Challenge

Detaching from the fear matrix. The modern world leaves many stuck and manipulated to live in perpetual fear. We can only create a culture of peace when we have permanently detached from our mainstream fear culture. This challenge takes you through a three part program, helping you to say goodbye to fear and step into a life and mind that is free. Start the challenge today!