Five minute conversations can change lives. Years ago I had the great fortune of meeting a man named Jay Kordich. At the time he looked like he was in his 60’s and he was one of the most vibrant people I had ever met. He shared a personal story with me about how he had cured himself of cancer from simply changing his diet and drinking lots of fresh juice. After being in his company for only 5 minutes he had convinced me to give it a try. I thought to myself if juicing would give me the energy that this 60 year old guy had, I’m in. A few years went by before I decided to try it. I asked for a juicer one year for Christmas, and my parents bought me a Juiceman Jr. juice machine, the one produced by Jay himself. It is small, efficient and easy to clean. I started juicing, and did notice a difference in my overall energy level. I also lost weight, and 20 years later my skin has stayed youthful looking. Jay passed away last year at the age of 94 and still looked so vibrant. His website is still going – If you check it out, you will see numerous recipes claiming all sorts of health benefits and each recipe looks more delicious than the next. My personal favorite is a combination of carrots, celery, apple, parsley, and turmeric. If you do one thing for your health this year, please consider becoming a juicer. You won’t regret it. Happy juicing, and happy health to you! 

Disclaimer: anything you do is your choice, if you follow another’s advice, do so with caution and based on what you know is best for you – only you know this. For advice on health and disease consult your health care provider. Any health advice I share is based on my own personal experience, and what works well for me, I really have no idea what will work best for you. I just love sharing information.