I foresee the future of medicine as a combination of western osteopathic and emergency methods and alternative natural therapies, including, but not limited to: hydrotherapy, herbal treatments, acupuncture, homeopathy, massage, psychotherapy, yoga, chi kung, reiki, aromatherapy, sound therapy, nutrition education and therapy, fasting and cleansing.
Birth will not be treated as a medical condition, but for what it is – a sacred rite of passage. Births will be done either at home or special birthing centers by specially trained caregivers who are well versed and licensed in both obstetrics and midwifery. This will ensure that women and children have the highest level of care available.
There is a wonderful group of caregivers leading the way, check out the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine, formerly known as the American Holistic Medical Association. Here you can find a list of providers who are already offering this kind of care. Health and prosperity to all, so be it – Zoe