Acqua, Agua, Wasser, Eau, Water, Maa’, Jal, Seui, Mizu, Mool, Shui, Vahdyh, Vatten.  

Swimmers choose to unite with an alien realm. We navigate with caution, and respect and we know how to float, trusting in the alien force that could kill on a whim. We are conscious breathers like our kindred the cetaceans.  When we dive all of our blood goes to our core, massaging every organ. When you swim you are meditating, doing cardio and resistance training all while preventing yourself from drowning. Swimming conditions every muscle in the body.  

At six months old my mother threw me into a pool. She said I started to swim immediately. I’ve always been in love with water, I married the ocean, I said I love you, I said you and me… WE,  are forever. 

Have you ever kissed under a waterfall, behind a waterfall, or in front of one? You are immersed in a cold thunderous wet spray, while your love’s warm arms are wrapped around you. Their mouth is warm. Your senses go into pleasure overload. In that moment nothing else is needed. Perfection has been achieved. 

The scent, the sound, the taste, the feel, soak, sip, swim, float, sail, surf, clean, steam. How do you commune with this sacred element?

Water is my spiritual practice, my doctor, my best friend, my beloved… 

I pray in the water.  Water holds and carries memory. With single minded focus and true feeling of your vision/prayer/meditation you can empower your manifestation tenfold by doing so while you are in water – a bath, lake, ocean, river, or waterfall. Or place a glass of water in front of you and put your hands over the water during your prayer. These are the two ways to infuse water with your vision. The water then goes into your body – you drink it, or it goes into your body through osmosis in your skin.  The memory of your vision will leave your body but stay in the water and travel where it wilt, influencing all who encounter it.

A brief History of Health & Healing Through Water from Kevin Ebner

– Water’s healing capacity as a medical treatment is well-documented historically. Hippocrates, a Greek physician known as the father of modern medicine, was “one of the first to state that nature should be used to heal the body” (Buchman 67). It should be no surprise that Hippocrates was a strong advocate of baths as a medical treatment nearly 2500 years ago. Although many spas or bath houses are culturally thought to be first and foremost places of social gathering, their original intentions were as places of healing and cleansing. Physicians often worked in bath houses to administer days of treatment to sick patients and give professional advice to those with less significant maladies. Treatments varied depending on condition and ailment. The bath house or spa offered a variety of options for healing such as hot or cold water baths, sea or mineral water treatments, showers, steam and sauna rooms, imbibing fluids, or exercise and therapy in the waters. Many of the illnesses and injuries that prevailed from ancient times were cured or assuaged with ‘the waters.’

Water has the ability to restore health in a natural way which can balance out many necessary human functions, whereas medicinal treatment often looks to fix an ill by introducing artificial support to the body. In this manner many of the water treatments listed here have a holistic approach that is better for the long term health of a patient. Plus water-cures are often much more affordable than drug treatments. At the turn of the last century many physicians still studied water cures for their benevolent power, but today hydrotherapy is often overlooked in lieu of other more costly or more invasive treatment. – 

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Wishing all beings health – a true feeling of vitality … so be it. Blessings, Zoe